Monday, January 25, 2010

What I Like About You

So D. was never able to make it. Roads are just too bad so he ended up staying at a hotel in Regina. It sucks but I'm glad he tried to make the effort.

Just finished talking to my mom on Skype. That was an interesting experience. Best part was being able to see and hear my sister. Will talk again, maybe tomorrow. They don't have anywhere to go because school is cancelled. (My mom works as an educational assistant in the middle school, the same one that T.'s son attends actually). Fancy that hey? ;)

So right now T. is playing a video game and I'm on the computer. I don't want to bring it up but I may have to.
I have NEVER done anything special on the day and don't know if I want to this year. I know I'm not buying anything (it's all his money anyways ha ha) but I may do or make something. I have a couple of ideas in my head, but again, don't know if I really want to "celebrate" it. I know he loves me and I love him. We tell and show each other that everyday, not just on that ONE day. Yes it's cute but it's also a way for companies just to make more money. I think I've said before that we sent his girls and my sister Valentine's presents, but that's different. They are 5 and 6, and that is just a nice surprise for them. *sighs* We will see I guess, still have over 2 weeks to think about it.

T. also posted something called "Answer me this..."
Here it is:
"Something that has been on my mind comes from shows like Extreme Makeover Home Edition, The Buried Life, The Bucket List.....there's nothing more that I'd like than to do something to change someones randomly stop and help someone when they least expect it...and expect nothing in return....someone saw my 4x4 the other day, and asked if I could drive and pick up his wife who had been at work for 3 hours waiting for a taxi...took me 10 mins...they were greatful and asked if I would take a couple dollars....I said no, to be honest I got more out of showing off how my Jeep plows through snow than any couple dollars would have done....and it meant they could spend their evening, home safe and warm....I often talk about me dream job involving hockey, or a hockey team but in all honesty, I'd love to have the money and freedom to get in my Jeep, drive across the country and stop and help.....with the expectations of nothing in return but seeing a smile on someone's face knowing you made a difference in their lives....which brings me to the title of this....Answer me this....what's one thing that would make a difference in your life?? Don't give the the lottery win answer or three wishes garbage, I'm serious and I want you to think about what you have....and post a comment on here and tell me what's one thing that would make a difference in your life....."

Like... how can you not like a guy like that? Who thinks this way? People do but it's rare for them to act on it as well. I also like that I introduced some of this to T. (TBL, writing his own Bucket List) and he soaks it in. As you may know I have posted my Bucket List as well. I'm still thinking of adding more to it but more importantly I'd like to cross off some of those things.

Oh and here are some blogs I really like at the moment:

Alright I think I'm done for the night. Good night!

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