My first photo taken with my new Instant Mini. I LOVE it!
So Christmas has now come and gone. It was a great couple days with the family. Christmas Eve consisted of working then going to pick up Joan (Turk's mom) and coming home to Jen making supper. It was such a great supper. Everything she made was a new recipe that she has never made before. I ate potato and bacon soup, cheese and bacon pinwheels, and zesty spicy chicken. All of it was fabulous! Turk really liked the soup the most. Then we opened up stockings and wow was there a lot of gifts! Even the pets got their own stocking stuffers. lol The kids did get to open two stockings because one was from us and the other from their other Grandma from MB. After that was done we had a Wii competition. We played seven different games and in the finals it was between Bay and myself. We played golf and he won by seven strokes. It was great to spend time with the kids and have some friendly competition. We all ended up having a great time together and that's something that I hold dear.
On Christmas day we opened up presents, after waking Jen up at 10am. I could hardly sleep the night before. I was up at least 3 times during the night and had butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited for us to all open our gifts and since this is the first Christmas all living under the same roof. (Of course except for Brooklyn and Cassidy who are still back in MB with Pam and Danny) Opening presents lasted an hour and fifteen mins. Then we all kinda played with our new toys. After a little while Joan started to make supper and then we sat down and ate stuffing, gravy, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and veggies. After cleaning up the dishes we relaxed. Later on in the night we all ended up Skyping with Brooklyn and Cassidy. Our holiday was complete after hearing their giggles and seeing them, even if it over the computer.
Today I have slept all day, Turk went to work, Jen is in her room, and Bay has a friend over. I'm watching the World Jr game (on mute cause I could only find it on the french channel), eating a late lunch and listening to music on Turk's new iPig. I don't want to jabber on too much longer so I'm just gonna end with pics of the presents that I received this year. Only things missing from the photo are a bag of Mini eggs that I have already ate, a Menno cookbook and a Walmart gift card.

Today Jen and I went grocery shopping, had Starbucks, and went to East Side Marios for supper. Jen and I received free drinks and free desserts, PLUS balloon masterpieces. Tee hee! I requested a Christmas tree and Jen told the guy to surprise her and she received a balloon present. Today was a pretty sweet day. :) I wish I had more time in a day. I need to put some more gifts into stockings and then do some painting. I have to go to work tomorrow and I'm really not wanting to. It's gonna be crazy this week with last minute holiday shoppers. :( Please be nice people.
I'm gonna go to bed with my thoughts.
Maybe I'll post something interesting tomorrow...
But I can't. I have so many things running through my head I'm surprised my head hasn't flown off yet. I've been thinking/dreaming a lot lately, like a lot. Mostly about art, quotes I've read, career path, home, etc. Last night my eyes were so tired from staring at the laptop screen all day, but once I went to sleep my mind kept racing about all the inspiration I had just seen. Made me want to paint in the middle of the night. Kinda makes me want to now too. My friend Dan wrote something that is very true to the core of what my thinking revolves around. "So don’t be yourself, be who you want yourself to be." It may sound easy but it's the hardest thing I think I've ever faced....

A beautiful Starbucks thermos. I <3 it!
I'm: In love <3
I'm smelling: Cookies right out of the oven
I'm reading: Wedding D.I.Y. ideas
I'm listening to: Grammy nominations on tv
now I'm going to go eat some cookies!
I wanna be someone that you look up to. I wanna be there for you whenever you need me. I wanna be a role model for you. I want us to talk and laugh. I want us to do activities together, just you and I. I want there to be silence but the silence where no words need to be said because we know what the other person is thinking.
I know I'm not perfect and I know that I need to work on this, but I'm still new to it, so please give me some time. I may screw up and I may hide but that doesn't mean I'm actually ignoring you.
If it seems I'm not putting any effort into this it's because I have a hard time thinking of something to do or say out of thin air. And now because of that I'm scared that I'm gonna be replaced. (I know I actually won't but the thought still sits in the back of my head.)
I love you and adore your quirkiness. You're beautiful inside and out. I couldn't have asked to have a better step daughter. I love bragging about you and your accomplishments and what a great kid you are. I'm glad that we will always be in each other's lives cause I couldn't go on without you. You accepted me into your life and I only hope that we can grow stronger together from now on.
I still remember the post you wrote about me and it still brings me to tears. I really miss you calling me "mom" and getting random hugs. I just hope you still feel the same way.
~ With love: Sam ~
My boyfriend and Theo Fleury.

Similar? lol Turk usually has the little soul patch too. I think it's a better resemblance in real than these photos.
So today was Turk's first day at his new job as Hard Goods Manager at SportChek. I am so proud of him. He has been wanting this opportunity for over a year and a half. His persistence amazes me and also makes me envious. :P

In a week it will be my turn to start a new job. I will be the Assistant Manager at Black's Photography. :) I'm hoping that I will finally have a job that I love.
I'm still holding onto my dream job (having a gallery that gives back, and having a studio where I can do every kind of art I wish, paint in my hair, on my clothes, etc.) plus be an art therapist.
I'm not wanting to go to bed. If I go to bed that means tomorrow will come a lot quicker and I don't want to go to work. :(
Plus Turk has a horrible headache and I feel like I need to take the caregiver role and stay up all night to make sure he's okay.

So today is my day off. Been lounging around mostly. Did 20 mins of yoga (I wanna start doing it regularly), cleaned up some papers and called a few places. Then went on the internet to see how I can fuse selling my art and giving a % of the profits to charity. There is SO much information about it that I had to stop reading, so I went on to look at some D.I.Y. weddings. Got me thinking about our own wedding and what we are gonna do. We have a place in mind - mountains, date (sorta) - before Nov 2012 and a color scheme - black and white with silver touches, but that's about it. I know I want to do most of everything myself. Decorations, invitations, etc. I know it takes a lot of energy to do everything so I'd like to start settling on some things now already. No actual product has to be made but I'd like all the ideas set in stone. Hmmm.... *goes off into dreamland*
As I'm sitting here typing all of this I have chicken breast in the oven for supper. I'm making mashed potatoes (don't get too excited, they are instant) and bacon and cheese stuffed chicken breast. That part I am doing by myself. :) If you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you I DON'T like to cook, I'm not a fan of it really. So we will see how this turns out. I was looking online at some of the recipes and it seems pretty easy, so cross your fingers!
I should have done a lot more today but I need to let my body rest. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day for 5 days a week (depending on the "week"). Then when I get a day off I run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to clean the house, doing errands, or whatever. I don't really let my body relax. Which as I've seen, has gotten me sick many times recently. So I raise my bottle of water (healthy I know *wink wink* lol) to us and our health. May we all live long and as stress free as possible. I know I know it won't ever happen, but a girl can dream right? ;)
I'm taking a break from doing my "personality" test for a job application.
I'm too tired to think.

Turk got called into work for an hour and a half cause his employee had to pick up his mom.
So I'm sitting in our room looking from this computer screen to those papers and waiting for Turk to come back home.
I'm done Theo's book (which was AWESOME by the way) and now I'm onto Marty Brodeur's book. I've missed reading, if that's possible. :P I'm also done knitting my brown hat and going to be starting an orange one. As with the painting... I've started on a 2 projects one has a base coat and the other I need to buy tracing paper before I slap paint onto the canvas.
I have the next few days off and I'm planning to do some more reading and knitting. I need a vacation so bad. Need to center myself again. I'm slipping away and it just keeps going.
Oh and I have an interview with Rob from Black's Photography tomorrow. :) So wish me good luck that I get the job and higher pay! lol
You came with a history
You came with a place hardly ideal to be living in
You came with no money
You came with an ex wife
You came with four children
That was your package
I came with uncertainty
I came with emotional fatigue
I came with angered opinions
I came with adolescence
I came with attachments
That was my package
We accepted each other anyways
We have learned from our past
Working out the lessons learned
We bring out the best in each other
And kick the other in the butt when needed
We are building a future, everyone included
We are a blended family
But a family none the less
A family that will never quit on each other
A family that loves one another
A family forever
I'm just taking a break from cleaning. I haven't done TONS but I've started at least. Cleaned out the fridge, did as much as I could in our bedroom (our closet rod collapsed so we have clothes EVERYWHERE), and now starting to clean the "office". I can't seem to create or focus when our house is messy. I've said before that I've wanted to put my studio downstairs, well I'm thinking either I go downstairs and the cat leaves or I figure out something else. The litter box doesn't get cleaned up regularly so it has "that smell" when you go down there. Hmmmmmm....
I was also listening to She & Him before and now I'm trying to find artists that are similar to that style I'm liking more and more as I listen. I used to listen to hardcore (still love it) but I don't as much now.
Ok I better get back to cleaning. See ya later!
I'm typing this from my boyfriend's computer in the hall as he's laying in bed. I'm out here because I'm trying to let him sleep, but what with all my hacking, coughing, and me blowing my nose, I highly doubt he's getting any rest. I've been stuffed up for about a week now and it's not really getting any better.
I have today and tomorrow off so Turk and I are going to the city today and tomorrow I'm thinking it will be just a stay at home day. I would love to get this place cleaned up, but alas sicky me will be too drained to do anything productive.
Been thinking of starting to do yoga before bed. I would do it in the morning but I despise waking up earlier than I have too.
Also really wanting to paint and knit again. (Have 2 painting projects in mind) It hasn't been long since I've done either but I need to make a bigger space for myself to do these projects in. I have started on cleaning up the downstairs to do this, but we still have too much stuff down there. Need to sell a few things.
Some things I need to work on:
Appreciating the things I have and the people around me more often
Thinking positively
Creating more
Getting myself out there
Bringing my life to a new level of health, love, happiness, and spirit
I don't need to be finding a "new" me, just an improved me, making my already good self better, bringing myself up to my full potential.
I may be one of the only ones who reads my boyfriends blog but he's not alone. :P Like he said, "Well I've come to realize that I really only write this for me. " Which is pretty much what it comes down to no matter who you are. You have to do things for yourself, not just to please others (hence why I only update this blog when I want to).
He and I both share a huge passion to want to "be somebody" and change the world by helping others. I think, sometimes we think that we have to "be somebody" by ourselves, when really we need people who love and care for us, as we do them, to help us get there. Once again, as Turk has wrote "Sam often struggles with not being who she wants to be and although I think she's wonderful at who she is, I know she wants to be that girl sitting in her studio, with paint from head to toe and a smile on her face. I hope she realizes that she needs to hold on to that dream, just as I hold on to my dreams of becoming the person I want to be. The one that helps, and gives back, or gives of themselves....I want to be that person and I believe it will come in time for me and for her."
So... what about if Turk and I joined forces instead of trying to do things ourselves... I could help raise money with art/gallery showings/etc. (as I've wrote before I would love to open an art gallery that gives back) and Turk could help with getting us out there and help others. The motor to this project. Kinda of like... starting our own non-profit organization. There are SO many of them out there, I don't know where we would start. I like the idea of focusing on multiple causes rather than just one, but is that tangible? We could join forces with organizations like TWLOHA, Livestrong, etc. I may be getting way over my head here but this really gets me excited.
I know that you are not supposed to work along side family or friends because, business is business, but what if there are just 2 people who both really just want to do something good for others (and just happen to be practically married lol). Maybe that bond, that love will actually HELP in a situation like this. I can't believe that I never thought of this before.
Okay I'm gonna let this wallow in my head for a bit while I go make supper and do laundry. Have a great night!
By the way Turk, you have no idea how much I love you and how incredibly happy you make me. Hearing Jen and you (when talking to Slappy) refer to me as "Mom", my heart almost bursts out of my chest with gratitude. Even just the little things like when talking on the phone and you say "Our daughter is getting a haircut", I just smile from ear to ear knowing that we are a FAMILY. We are the greatest family I know. I'm so lucky to know and to love you, the kids, Slapshot, and also know that I am loved back. It is so amazing that it really can't be described in just words. :)

My new dress and shoes/boots that I'm wearing to a friend's wedding this weekend. :)
So I've decided on the name for my business/project is "Break Free Artistically". I have a blogger, tumbler, fbook page, etsy, and twitter account for exposure. Thing is I suck at updating (as you can tell from my bad attempt to keep this one going). I've done one painting and now knitting my 8th hat (grey one that I might wear with the above outfit) but that's it. I have pastels both oil and soft, half done paint by number, a sketchbook, watercolors and colored pencils that are still waiting to be used. I wish I could just spend forever surrounded by art and supplies. Like a gallery, a craft store, SOMETHING that will always keep me inspired. I've even reorganized my desk to hopefully stir up something. Sure my job gets me shooting a little bit but it's just not enough. I look into taking some art classes but then I see the price and feel it may be better for me to just keep going on my own for a little more. If this a good or bad thing I'm unsure.
I'd love to open up a gallery like "MOCHA: The Museum of Children's Art" but have it for children and adults. Have a place where people can create and then another spot to show off all kinds of work. Maybe even have gallery shows related to a charity, have the subject be related to let's say, Breast Cancer and then have a percentage of the money from donations, etc go towards The Breast Cancer Association. Maybe even go in a direction of doing art therapy (think I need it more than teach it lol). I have no idea where to even start to get on one of these paths....
I've been thinking about names for when I want to start up my own business or whatever. Been thinking about having something to do with the words 'fox', 'creations', 'painted', 'creative'.... My boyfriend has come up with some other names as well, there is one that I'm really liking, but I'll sleep on it and see if anything else pops up. How do people come up with their business names? I'm open to even doing a play on words kind of name too, I like when people are clever.
This is what my step daughter, Jennifer wrote on her blog. I cry every time I read it.
"So, last night I was lying in my bed, thinking about Sam & Dad getting married. (Which I cannot wait for) After the divorce my dad swore he was NEVER getting married. The day Sam walked into our house, I knew. I knew they would be together forever, I knew that he would love her forever and I just knew that no matter what my dad said, he would get married to her. She walked into our house and I was sitting in a chair, all she said was “Hey Jen, is your dad downstairs?” I nodded and she walked down stairs. I had no clue who she was, but the way she walked in, and the smile on her face and the way she said what she did, I just knew that they would be together forever. I still to this day, remember what she was wearing when she walked into our house. I loved Sam quickly, she wasn’t like an evil stepmom, she was a cool older sister to me. We went shopping and went to baseball games and listened to music and took pictures and did everything you would do with an older sister; as we became closer she also became my cool mom. I think of her as my mom, as well as an older sister, and as a best friend. Everytime I see a Fox or an Owl I think of Sam, everytime I see a person with gorgeous red hair, I think of Sam, everyday when I wake up in the morning I wonder how Sam is doing at work, and when she gets home from work, I have to give her a hug, because I miss her during the day. She is one of the biggest parts of my life, I am glad I will always have her.
i love you."
Today is my sister's magical birthday (turning 6 on Aug 6th). So I'm not gonna sit on here too long but just wanted to tell you everything is going well so far. Visited quite a few people yesterday. Stupid me never got any pics with them, but I plan on taking pics of my sis's bday. Talk to you later!
BTW I'm leaving tomorrow to go back to Saskatoon. Thank gosh! I need to get back home.
The Loeppky Family

Front Row: Slapshot and Bailey
Back row L to R: Jennifer, Cassidy, Turk, Brooklyn, and Samantha (myself)
"...cherish that person in your life, don't let life get too busy, tell them everyday, numerous times you love them....not everyone gets a second chance to get it right, but I did..." - Turk Loeppky
So lately I've just been working lots. Going back to Manitoba for my sisters birthday later this week. I will be bringing Cassidy, Brooklyn, Dan and Bay with me.
Brooklyn and Cassidy (who live with their mom) got to come out here and visit for 3 weeks. Jennifer is finally here and moved in. My friend Dan brought her and her stuff with a Uhaul truck. Feels so good to have everyone here. :)
Turk and I have had numerous talks about me pursuing art more seriously. It's so hard to get me motivated and to keep it going. I've been looking into doing some art classes to help me along. Hopefully that will help. If that goes REALLY well then the next step I'll take is going back to university for a Bachelor in Fine Arts. We will see. There is LOTS of stuff that is in the future for us, like buying a house, getting married, etc. All will come in time.

I want to be someone who has paint stained clothes, red hair in a messy bun, oil pastel stained under her nails, drawing pencils slid in behind the ear, hands are sticky from glue and craft supplies in disarray. In a studio with big windows letting in natural light with shelves filled with canvases, cameras, rolls of film, yarn, jars filled with paintbrushes, buttons, ribbons and more.
Wow it has been forever since I posted on here. Sorry for keeping everyone in the dark. I've always either too tired or lazy. :P Just to get you up to speed:
Work: The only place I am working at now is the Wal-Mart Portrait Studio as a Manager (it's a temp position for a year, but this will help me get my feet wet and help me grow and test myself in many ways). I will still help out at Jemini (ice arena) here and there but ONLY if I'm available to them, they know this and love that I'm doing something that will help me in the long run.
Home: Jen is moving out here beginning of Aug and we are all so excited to have her finally here. Pam, Danny, Brooklyn, and Cassidy are moving to Calgary this summer so now we are only 5 hours away to visit them instead of 8/9.
Summer plans: Other than working I'm going on a fishing trip with my Harder side in mid July at Sioux Narrows, which I am VERY looking forward too. also a few trips back to MB here and there for my sis's b-day and Jordana's wedding.
Hobbies: I've taken up knitting (with a circular loom) making hats, and I'm getting better each time. Also doing some painting and reading whenever I can find time.
Other: My grandma Otto had some sort of skin infection but is doing better, so that's good, just wish she wouldn't have to be in the hospital anymore.
And that's really about it. Hope everyone else is doing well.
My eyes are open wide
And by the way, I made it
Through the day
I watched the world outside
By the way, I'm leaving out
I just saw Hayley's comet
She waved
Said why you always running
In place?
Even the man in the
Moon disappeared
Somewhere in the
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Please don't cry
One tear for me
I'm not afraid of
What I have to say
This is my one and
Only voice
So listen close, it's
Only for today
I just saw Hayley's comet
She waved
Said why you always running
In place?
Even the man in the
Moon disappeared
Somewhere in the
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Here's my chance
This is my chance
Tell my mother,
Tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye
Is a second chance [x2]
This song is exactly what I'm going through. Well I've been going through it for the past year. I've started to stand up for myself more now, hope that helps to stop this nonsense.