I won't be posting until March. 9th. Or around that time. Will have to see how things go. Everything is...... stressful, very stressful, so I may need some recuperating time. Thank you for understanding.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Been awhile
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've been busy starting a new job (third one), watching the Olympics (which I want to devote a post to after they are done), and getting stuff done for the new place. I have already started to put away things in the bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. I did not want to come back to the apartment afterwards. Just want to be at my new place so bad! Ha ha!
Things are really starting to become real, what with the townhouse, T.'s son coming here, etc. Which has gotten me really stressed out lately. I have really been noticing it cause my mood has been very up and down. I think my mood will settle when we are together in our own place. *big sigh*
I have to work today and tomorrow from five till ten and I'm not really looking forward to it. I wish my first job would pick up already. Haven't heard anything from them and I've emailed him multiple times and he just keeps saying that the 'busy season' is coming up (that was a month ago). UGH! Then on top of that I was volunteering which I'm thinking I'm gonna have to tell them that I won't be able to continue with them cause I'm just so busy with jobs and family. I know they'd understand but I like doing something for others without wanting anything back.
Alright I better go and get ready for work. Again, sorry for not posting regularly.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I love you babe!
I've never been one to do anything for Valentine's Day but this year was different. I baked chocolate cupcakes with light pink icing (I'm not much of a baker or cook AT ALL) so that was a good time, T. left me chocolates, card, and little valentine, then we had a breakfast type supper (pancakes and sausage).
Here are some pics:


Monday, February 8, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Photos of our new place:
This tour takes you from outside, upstairs, kids rooms, bathroom, master bedroom, living room, basement, dinning area, backyard, and kitchen area.
Friday, February 5, 2010
New Place!

This is our new place and we are the middle one.We signed the lease today and we move in later this month...we are so excited! Will post a photo tour in my next post.
This is what my boyfriend has to say about one of our landlords:
"Now I need to share something with you about our landlord Jason.....we had never met before we started dealing on this place....none of our friends knew him, we had zero connections to him....we checked out the place and really liked what we saw, we talked with Jason a bit and basically laid it all out on the table, money was tight, kids were moving, times were tough but getting better. He said that all they wanted were good renters, they just really wanted good people in their townhouse...we talked about the damage deposit and how it would be tough to come up with it all for March 1st and he said to us many times that they were flexible and just wanted the right people....so we took a couple days to talk and budget and decided that this was the place to start the next chapter in our lives....I emailed him back and said if they were willing to hold it, empty, for a month that we'd take it.....he said they were waiting to hear from us before they let anyone else know if it was available, so they took a chance on us and I can't believe that they'd do that for total strangers...there are some great people in this world, everywhere, I know I needed to get out but there are some great people there that I've met, are my friends and I wouldn't change it for the world but when you move away from a comfort zone were people know you, which is good and bad, you're pretty much out on your own and in walks some awesome people in your life willing to take a chance...pretty pumped, pretty blessed, my life is far from ordinary or perfect but it's my life, I'll take the good with the bad, I'll make good and bad decisions but live with them all.....it's not always easy."
Took the words right out of my mouth.
I've also been really enjoying my work at the rink. There was an event going on which was fun to watch. It was the qualifying time trials for the Red Bull Crashed Ice Competition. My boss was in and he got 29th place but wasn't far from the 1st place time actually. Go check it out!
I have an interview tomorrow at 3:15pm for a supervisor position so we will see how it goes. *nervous*
Alright I'm tired, gonna watch tv. Good night!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Going up!
Sorry about my little slump there. I'm feeling way better now. Things are coming together. I have an interview on Saturday for a supervisor position and we are going back to the townhouse that we looked at (and really liked). I'm hoping to get some photos of the inside. Will be better for you to imagine it. This is the outside:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
So whatever...
So I've been pretty down lately. Had a talk with my boyfriend about it last night and that made me feel a bit better. Got asked a question by J. and I was not happy. She asked me about why I didn't start working at a restaurant or something right when I got here. I flamed up inside. Ya I know I shouldn't care what others think and I actually don't, it's more or less what I think of myself. I'd view myself as a lesser person and I have been told I am only supposed to worry about myself not others. So hence I'd be down on myself not actually upset cause of what others think. I have a past pattern that I have always been down on myself and now I'm trying to avoid something that I know would bring me down and people are telling me to go that route anyways. THAT gets on my nerves.
So I sucked it up and applied at Boston Pizza today. I don't like myself at all for it but we need money and we need it soon.
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