Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2 things...

Number 1:
I have decided that I'm going to try and do a new thing either once or twice a month (depending on time, money, etc). I need to keep my creative juices flowing cause right now, this sucks. :P I bought 2 dream catcher making kits but it isn't going over well. :/ Oh well, will try again.

Number 2:
I found out that my cousin died. They don't know from what but we think it's from drug overdose. He had been doing them for a long time, he was in and out of rehab, and lived with his bio dad who did them as well. Not the best situation. He also had a son. Poor guy's gonna grow up with no dad. :(

Sorry about that downer but just thought I'd let you know what's going on over here.
Have a good night!

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