Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2 things...

Number 1:
I have decided that I'm going to try and do a new thing either once or twice a month (depending on time, money, etc). I need to keep my creative juices flowing cause right now, this sucks. :P I bought 2 dream catcher making kits but it isn't going over well. :/ Oh well, will try again.

Number 2:
I found out that my cousin died. They don't know from what but we think it's from drug overdose. He had been doing them for a long time, he was in and out of rehab, and lived with his bio dad who did them as well. Not the best situation. He also had a son. Poor guy's gonna grow up with no dad. :(

Sorry about that downer but just thought I'd let you know what's going on over here.
Have a good night!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Girls are here!!!

So today I drove to Whitewood, SK and back with the girls in tow. :)
(Turk has 2 younger daughters, 7 year old twins, that live in MB with their mom full time.)
They have Spring Break right now so we get to have them for a week.
Right now I can hear Jen and Cassidy talking while Jen plays Little Big Planet and also Bay shooting hoops in the kitchen with Brooklyn.
Slapshot keeps barking for no reason. He's not used to the girls being here yet so he's being over protective.

Looking forward to a week of holidays with the fam. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Right when I was the lowest I've been in a long time I come home and everything turns around. Getting a hug from Bay when I walked in, talking to Jen about her day, smelling her bake muffins and offering me cake and a fresh muffin. How sweet right?!

Also Turk and I had talked earlier and I can't believe how lucky I am to love and be loved by him.

I honestly have the best family ever.

:) <3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#3 - Meet Theo Fleury.... CHECK!

We watched the Legends play the local police department. Then proceeded to wait outside by the bus for about an hour. THEN... GOT TO MEET THEO FLEURY!!!! Ya a pic says a thousand words so I'll just let you look. :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting late...

So today I've backed up all my stuff on the computer onto my hard drive (which was a lot of photos), painted my nails, put down the base coat for my next painting and watched tv. Today we watched Undercover Boss and Secret Millionaire, both very good shows. Turk and I have discussed on and off about doing something ourselves or being apart of something to do with volunteering. So I'm also looking up some things that we could do just to start with where we are right now and this is the website that I found: . PERFECT! :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011


What I'd like to do tomorrow:
- Paint
- Knit
- Create so MANY things

What I'll end up doing:
- Watching tv
- Clean
- Lay in bed

Not too happy with that.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New quote that I like...

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

- George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today: laundry, payed our net/cable bill, donated clothing to Value Village, mood swings and drove around too much.

Tomorrow: laundry, tiding up, hopefully no mood swings, hockey game, and try to relax before another week of work.

Ya that's my life pretty much.