So today was Turk's first day at his new job as Hard Goods Manager at SportChek. I am so proud of him. He has been wanting this opportunity for over a year and a half. His persistence amazes me and also makes me envious. :P

In a week it will be my turn to start a new job. I will be the Assistant Manager at Black's Photography. :) I'm hoping that I will finally have a job that I love.
I'm still holding onto my dream job (having a gallery that gives back, and having a studio where I can do every kind of art I wish, paint in my hair, on my clothes, etc.) plus be an art therapist.
I'm not wanting to go to bed. If I go to bed that means tomorrow will come a lot quicker and I don't want to go to work. :(
Plus Turk has a horrible headache and I feel like I need to take the caregiver role and stay up all night to make sure he's okay.

So today is my day off. Been lounging around mostly. Did 20 mins of yoga (I wanna start doing it regularly), cleaned up some papers and called a few places. Then went on the internet to see how I can fuse selling my art and giving a % of the profits to charity. There is SO much information about it that I had to stop reading, so I went on to look at some D.I.Y. weddings. Got me thinking about our own wedding and what we are gonna do. We have a place in mind - mountains, date (sorta) - before Nov 2012 and a color scheme - black and white with silver touches, but that's about it. I know I want to do most of everything myself. Decorations, invitations, etc. I know it takes a lot of energy to do everything so I'd like to start settling on some things now already. No actual product has to be made but I'd like all the ideas set in stone. Hmmm.... *goes off into dreamland*
As I'm sitting here typing all of this I have chicken breast in the oven for supper. I'm making mashed potatoes (don't get too excited, they are instant) and bacon and cheese stuffed chicken breast. That part I am doing by myself. :) If you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you I DON'T like to cook, I'm not a fan of it really. So we will see how this turns out. I was looking online at some of the recipes and it seems pretty easy, so cross your fingers!
I should have done a lot more today but I need to let my body rest. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day for 5 days a week (depending on the "week"). Then when I get a day off I run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to clean the house, doing errands, or whatever. I don't really let my body relax. Which as I've seen, has gotten me sick many times recently. So I raise my bottle of water (healthy I know *wink wink* lol) to us and our health. May we all live long and as stress free as possible. I know I know it won't ever happen, but a girl can dream right? ;)
I'm taking a break from doing my "personality" test for a job application.
I'm too tired to think.

Turk got called into work for an hour and a half cause his employee had to pick up his mom.
So I'm sitting in our room looking from this computer screen to those papers and waiting for Turk to come back home.
I'm done Theo's book (which was AWESOME by the way) and now I'm onto Marty Brodeur's book. I've missed reading, if that's possible. :P I'm also done knitting my brown hat and going to be starting an orange one. As with the painting... I've started on a 2 projects one has a base coat and the other I need to buy tracing paper before I slap paint onto the canvas.
I have the next few days off and I'm planning to do some more reading and knitting. I need a vacation so bad. Need to center myself again. I'm slipping away and it just keeps going.
Oh and I have an interview with Rob from Black's Photography tomorrow. :) So wish me good luck that I get the job and higher pay! lol
You came with a history
You came with a place hardly ideal to be living in
You came with no money
You came with an ex wife
You came with four children
That was your package
I came with uncertainty
I came with emotional fatigue
I came with angered opinions
I came with adolescence
I came with attachments
That was my package
We accepted each other anyways
We have learned from our past
Working out the lessons learned
We bring out the best in each other
And kick the other in the butt when needed
We are building a future, everyone included
We are a blended family
But a family none the less
A family that will never quit on each other
A family that loves one another
A family forever