So I'm sitting in the living room next to my boyfriend, Turk, while he is playing video games. I didn't go to work today and Bay, Turk's son, didn't go to school either. Both of us have been feeling under the weather. Him with his stomach, myself with stomach and back pain this morning, headache all day, and what seems to be hot flashes. I called into work, 5 times, but no one answered so work called me later and asked why I wasn't there. I had just woken up from a nap so I was groggy and just said I was sick and tried calling but no one answered, my boss told me he can't gamble me not being there tomorrow so I'm off tomorrow morning as well. Which I'm REALLY okay with. :P So I'm hoping that I will feel good tomorrow and get some stuff done around here.
On another note I have an interview on Thursday, I'm hoping that THIS will get me out of my server job. I haven't heard anything from the Wal-Mart Portrait Studio and I'm thinking that if I do hear something it won't be good news. I will tell you all about it afterwards.
I should go get some more sleep so I can get better. Good night.

i love afternoons when you can have a nap with the warm sun shining on your face.
drink tea and read a good book.
wanting to create something beautiful.
as you may have seen i've changed my blog. also have noticed i haven't been posting much lately, because i've been in a tough spot, trying to figure out some things in my life. don't worry things are slowly looking up.